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Saturday, February 17, 2018

High School Shooting Shows Need for More Mental Health Funding

spam deleted. Thanks! 'here's to your health!' Many are portraying this 19 year old troubled man as a criminal. Upon greater scrutinization we see he was in fact a developmentally challenged person with depression. As found in countless mass shootings prior to this such as Columbine and Florida Tech, the shooter was a student or former one with a mental illness. May say how can this happen and why? Hat they need to ask is why more shootings haven't occurred? This society turns a blind eye to the many among uscw ith one. Myself included There is little funding for mental health and resources out there are flawed. I am without family as disowned and friendless too. My service dog is my companion. I am not violent but have been a victim on several occasions. I sustained a head injury from two car accidents. I have some cognitive problems such as with memory and do things slowly. It is hard living in a fast-paced society like this. For this reason I don't work full time but per diem. I give myself plenty of down time, listen to Christian music, attend support grouups on phone, see therapist, doctor for medicine. I experience stigma where I live where I have been called stupid, and crazy by mean, ignorant here. Mine is a lonely life. Keep to self.I have yet to get beyond this but live with it.People in the mainstream need to be more sesitive to those afflicted like myself rather than dismissing us. Everyone has talent. For me, I think I am a good writer. I am not ashamed of what has happened to me. I just wish others could see my gifts besides weaknesses! I believe everyone with a mental health issue needs a case manager who visits the home. Getting a cup of Jo, taking a walk would be more effective than endless counseling sessions with a lonely, depressed individual. I know as am one. Many of us are not fortunate as you as lack community support. As for working, people with depression, anxiety can work but less hours, less stressful jobs,have time outs, work for companies who have hired disabled before, have staff sympathetic to this. Hiring disabled as volunteers. with support is another option to get us out of shadows of our homes into the light of day. Currently I don't as am expected to act like norm or get laughed at, talked of until leave. What is needed is small successes instead of contless social failures, rejection. Perhaps then, there would be a change in this country. We need to deal with people with this humanely as a people and not with callousness show each other. We have become a me, tech, quick, isolated, lonely people. More and more have anxiety, depression, especially elderly as have noone who cares. While they don't pick up guns and kill others, more needs to be done to avoid this. There were signs he was in trouble. They were ignored with indifference as not our problem. The reality is this is everyone's issue.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Apple Cider Vinegar Helping Me Feel Better and Lose Weight

spam deleted. Thanks 'here's to your health!' Am using Bragg's. brand of vinegar. The vinegar helps me get and feel, be better. I add several drops to my juice and drink it. It has helped me lose 25 pounds over a few weeks too. I was 215 pounds. Now 190.It acts as an appetite suppressant. It also changes taste buds so don't crave sweets which body can't metabolize. So it helps against cancer too by restoring healthy red blood cells and getting rid of unhealthy white blood cells. Apple cidar vinegar also revitalizes the body so helps against fatigue. I live with depression and that is part of it. Feel down and want to do nothing! I have to push myself to do a couple ofthigs daily but not over do get stressed. Then U feel better. I also gargle with it. I use it as a dental rinse too. I add a a few drops to my netipot when I rinse my sinuses as I suffer from sinusitis. I also pour some vinegar on a face cloth rinsed in hot water. I then add it as a compress over my face. I also pat it down. It helps my arthritis in spine, knee and ankle. Injured all 3. Again I add compresses. Good if apply over body as the biggest organ in body.Great detox naturally. I had upset stomach,diarrhea. Drank juice with selzer and apple cider vinegar and it cleared up quick.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

When seeing a therapist is not enough if have mental illness

spam deleted. Thanks! 'here's to your health!' I live with anxiety, depression, fear and anger.I also have chronic pain from a spinal injury. Thankfully I have a dog as a companion. However she is the only one I can trust. It does get lonely. Meeting and being around others is hard as most of them are happier than me. I can't relate to them and visa versa. Lately I have had to push myself to so things as am sad. I was in two car accidents too and have a head injury. This causes memory and concentration problems too. On the up side, I am self sufficient. Mostly I listen to Christian music as it is calming. I also do mindfulness coloring, play chess online, watch TV once in awhile, have plants,write,attend support groups on phone, walk my dog, care for her, pray,eat tastey meals, as just got pizza tonight. The trick is to do something if down, not waddle in self pity, to feel better. As per Recovery Inc., support group, 'move a muscle and change a thought', 'resoluteness of the muscles overcomes the self defeatist babble of the brain'. This group is based on book Mental Health Through Mental Will Training written by Dr. Abraham Low, for his patients. Another group is Emotions Anonymous, based on 12 steps. Say powerless over emotions. Faith based teaching for symptoms is helpful too. Example: replace fear with faith, sadness with 'joy comes in the morning', 'don't let the sun go down on your anger', 'be anxious for nothing.'. DBT skills such as mindfulness, distress tolerance with meditation, taking a vacation if overstressed like going to sleep. Cognitive skills is another. Replace negative insecure frightened thoughts that cause negative emotions, with secure positive ones. If use some or all of these daily, you will feel better. It is a choice. Through action, even if don't want to, you feel better. Do the thing you hate or fear and gain the most confidence, comfort comes by bearing discomfort, showing can do it. We are sensitive so we Need to be less so and not let the outside environs effect our inner. People can be rude. We Need to let them go or are tossed about like fish in a tide. It is important to protect yourself. Try to get with supportive, kind people. Don't reveal yourself too soon until know is safe. Some will never understand or even try Like to call us crazy, stupid. Mean. Distance self.Stigma is out there. Why I don't work regular job. Write for money and do vending sometimes. Something. I would like to get together with others for lunch, coffee in Capital area, NY so not so alone. Get back to me if interested. Also comment here if can relate to topic. Thanks.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Poshmark sux

spam deleted. Thanks! 'here's to your health!' jpoIned yet another online web site where you can sell your gently used goods, namely designer. their motto is designer goods for less. is how draw buyers. sellers are drawn in like moths to the flame by greed and a chance at making money off the

books. I put alot of time for a week when joined listing alot of great items in very good shape. I listed them low as alot of people on there r competing for a sale. Notice ones who sell have slashed their prices so getting something for what don't use, want, can't return as opposed to donating, tossing or 

selling at yard sale. many buyers try to haggle new items in mint condition that i bought at outlet to resell for slight profit. they ask stupid questions to waste your time like are they stained? is it all 10 new with tags coach wristlets selling retail for $81 each, for 50?! uh no..dimwit. is for one as 


OVER BY A MACK TRUCK. WASTED MY TIME ON THIS APP WHICH SHUTS DOWN CONSTANTLY. Also some sellers sell crap, aka not as described goods. When got, were faded and shrunk. poshmark would not accept returns for two orders from lying sellers, desperate for money. said i should have asked 

about measurements of items against own. who does that? either they are written down already or when says 2x is. went through same nonscense on zulilly who sells clothes from China that run small

 didn't accept returns for cash but store credit when all they sell is cheaply made goods. still haven't used credit gave me instead of crediting back my paypal account. now owe paypal. ugh. scammers. I filed claim with my bank about them and lost as said is their policy to give credit not money back. as

 for poshmark, said would credit me one sale if dropped my claim with card company. i said unless credited me for both purchases, that i would proceed with my claim.. i also said i would report them to BBB and CPA for their deceitful, unethical business practices. Told would suspend my account if 

filed claim against them and sellers as bad reviews hurt them. They have tons of bad reviews from unhappy customers, sellers but seem to still be in business. is because most people don't research company before buy and hand over their credit card information to these fly by night unethical 

greedy companies. I just hope this is the end of it and my suffering and can move on and that they have not used my credit information illicitly like given it out to other companies or whoever. Will have to check my statements very closely for awhile now. They are manipulative and twist it 

all around so you are at fault as tell you you should have asked more questions. They say buyer protection but there isn't. there is no customer service by phone and are stuck commmunicating via emails.repeatedly they say how found for sellers eventhough what bought doesn't fit me. got my money like a fly by night company and ran with it. I am in the process of filing a claim with my card company. haven't got the paper work yet as transferred via phone to different departments and then hung up on me as are speaking to me from India you!! Outsourcing at it's finest. Some reviews on Poshmark here. click link. bad news. Feel free to share your thoughts on Poshmark, Zulilly, Tradesy, etsy, ebay, amazon prime or whoever. ttys.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Mice in my apartment going on 2 weeks now...

spam deleted. Thanks! 'here's to your health!' 1st bed bugs and now mice. Both issues have gone untreated. Exterminator comes every other month for roaches allegedly. puts some gel under sink in kitchen and bath room. told set off traps in building. doubt even bothered. landlord matt sullivan is a mean, bullying slumlord. I complained to code enforcement about clog in bath room sink for two weeks that had told super about and went unfixed until code sited them to do so. he also filled in holes around pipes in kitchen and bathroom floors after 7 months which is how mice got in. just like twisting things around and blaming me for bringing or atleast attracting bed bugsand not treating so i had to at own expense though i rent and landlord's responsibility..same now with mice, am being blamed for giving them places to hide as have alot of belongings. exterminator who works for landlord stated myn apt. was on verge of a hoard and he couldn't exterminate properly as stuff all over. code officer came took pictures and said can't site if landlord can't do job. landlord,Gus,super, jim who lives here and does little,section 8,advocate for me,codes all stick together. if went to court, i would end up getting evicted as looks bad for meas have noone on my side. Is making me sick living here as smells like a gerbil cage. i feel nauseous often from mice running on my tables behind me on couch near my bed when i sleep. i woke to mouse up on hook clothes were hanging on with his head in bag of dog food hund up there from him. already ate $15, 3 bags of dog food. bait put down made my dog ill,vomit, at wit's end. feel so trapped here. section 8 says mmove but have no move $$$ and no deposit to hold a place and landlord has security. i have looked but can't afford anything either. There is such corruption here as they all stick together,don't care about anyone but selves and own. police have even stopped coming here as here so often for noise complaints,etc as neighbors have no regard or consideration. i sleep to music and take sleep medicine now. Is how life is if poor as few choices. am poor as have health problems,RA,chronic pain so don't work but per diem if do an occasional fair as a vendor but don't drive, no car, no help,take cdta bus to events and can't board with table and many events say bring own, also want fees that can be high. tried some online selling sites that were scams and just a waste of time. Cohoes got some money to supposedly improve town and life for it's people but are only the chosen few as usual here. all on the take. corrupt. town officials such as council men are supposed to serve public not themselves. what all do is self serving. poor get poorer and well off get more so. huge rift between the two. in different worlds with very different outlooks of life here. if have a job,able bodied,are married with family, childen, money, a car, a house, fine things, get to go on vacation, have people watching your back, life is very different than if are on disability, alone, poor, don't work as little opportunity and power. Bullies here stick together. Just hope will go away. will gladly just give me a one way ticket and some money to. thank you very much!! Cohoes proud, a city that cares, yeh right!! what a crock of shit. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve yet so let the chips fall where they may. I am a very honest pwerson. i believe if I keep doing the next sober right thing, it will all work out. I put God first and put this mess in his hands as too much for me.

Harvest fest in Cohoes this coming week end...

spam deleted. Thanks! 'here's to your health!' I, ann reilly, artzstuf company will be in front of shelley's hair salon as got her ok, to try to sell a thing or two. will be doing face painting, henna tatoos too. click links for more info. if want to be in event, go to host, don, at spindles bar, when open.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Vendor wanted to split space, fee with..

spam deleted. Thanks! 'here's to your health!' for Guntal's flea market and future shows. Your share is $30. Email me if interested at I sell handmade jewelry, my art prints, designer bags including new reduced real Coach ones.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Local thrift store denied me access...

spam deleted. Thanks! 'here's to your health!' with my service dog. Even showed her papers to Rich, store owner of 'some of this and some of that'. He said doesn't like pitbulls, used to raise them, knows what they do..' When I asked what my arthritic, 10 1/2 year old dog, who was laying on floor, had done to him exactly, he sad he had more of a problem with me. Added how I had wronged him basically. Was suppose to sell their stuff at flea market. Also they sold my jewelry at event and lost some of it. Made hardly anything. Had in a trunk after in his shop. Told him to not sell trunk as things in it. Next he says how wants it out if his shop. I should be angry as they reneged on deal. Best to avoid him and biz as not legit. They sell diabetic test strips at discount that they buy from public for $20 and resell for at least twice that. Elsewhere they sell for about $130-140. This is a profitable biz so thrift store is a front for illicit operation. People buy as mislead into thinking have Medical supply as is how he answers phone and portrays business on their website. Not illegal to resell what own but be transparent. Let people know is preowned goods. Many have no insurance and can't afford to buy on their own so can see the need being filled here though. What do you think?

Norline is literally killing us!

spam deleted. Thanks! 'here's to your health!' Norline is a company in Cohoes and a major polluter of our air and drinking water They have been cited and fined numerous times over the years. They even dump hazardous chemicals in the Mohawk river, our source for drinking water. Chemicals being emitted such as mercury, lead, acids, etc. can cause cancer. Have smelled it in air here. Officials have told public to close windows when Norline is blasting. Big deal.They also kill wild life such as fish and fowl. As usual, the city is looking the other way as Norline contributes financially by taxes, donating to PBA,etc. and hiring workers from area. What do you think of all this and what can we do to send Norline packing?

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Are we in the same town or what?!?

spam deleted. Thanks! 'here's to your health!' Was reading on plans to expand and revitalize Cohoes as apparently city got 20 million dollars. In agenda mentions how businesses and high income housing are coming. Apparently poverty level here is 17%. 30% of which are in the 18-34 age range. 22% of the population doesn't work. 6% unemployment rate. Hmm. Let's get real shall we? If you lived down town like I do, off Remsen and Columbia sts., you would say 30% of the people here are doing nothing all the time. Smoking regular and funny cigs,coming home with 12 packs of beer and so on. SOS different day. Dead end lives. Why? Are they a generation of druggies, throwaways and slackers? No I say. Many are uneducated, left school in junior year of highschool as didn't like it and felt didn't need it. Several in Cohoes are elderly so retired. Others have disabilities or other problems that prevent or impede them from workinglike mental illness. Drug addiction, mental, physical illness and alcoholism are real issues here too. There are the working poor also who work at Mohawk factory and Burger King. Many are in fast food service industry. Choices are slim and they certainly aren't going to the music hall for $25 a ticket. They don't eat out, do shop at thrift and watch every penny. They like me live in subsidized substandard housing and have to take what get. For us Cohoes is not a land of opportunity and rainbows but a grim reality of struggle like for many in this country. If being an 'All American town' means seeing streets filled with empty store fronts,abandoned and condemned apartment buildings, broken, littered, crap-filled side walks and roads,then yes Cohoes is certainly America, now. I do not find it a city that cares at all. It is an island full of selfish individuals with their own greedy agendas. The poor get poorer and the well off and comfortable get more so. The two don't run in the same circles. For some here, Cohoes is a great place to buy another bar as yes many here like to drink and get drunk. It is harder though to sell clothes, jewelry or art here. Many spend $5 at Walmart on necklace from China. It is not hand made by an artist. Clothes there are not of the same caliber as a fine clothing store. People in Cohoes don't pay for nice clothes here but buy cheap from Family Dollar for the most part so is hard to attract nice businesses here. The demographic is not good. I know as am an artist who paints, makes jewelry and I have a hard time selling people here anything unless it's cheap!I guess by attracting people with some money, good jobs, offering them pretty, pricy housing, someone will drop some cash to pay for some nice shoes in that imaginary store that is allegedly coming. Provided you can entice that store to come to a town with so many social ills, at all! By gentrifying certain areas of Cohoes, the powers that be here, are keeping or tossing the poor out. Supposedly want to attract some artists and the arts but us artists are notoriously odd outsiders and struggle financially for our art. A contradiction if there ever was one. Am here and noone helps promote me or my work, especially Choose Cohoes for Art or the Foundry which allegedly is their job. They support who like and deem worthy of attention. Nuts when art is subjective. America was built on diversity of people, nationalities, religions sexes and viewpoints. Sadly small cities like Cohoes are not open to new energy and people with different view points than theirs. Instead they find it off putting and threatening. Like minds stick together sadly. Mention have places of entertainment. Hmm..I see some seedy bars, overpriced restaurants is all. I watch cable and dvds with my dog. I get take out and buy online at Amazon prime, where what want is shipped free! I find it very isolating here. I am on disability and over 50. I do not see those like me mentioned in your article. You are buildings park for seniors when looks fine around senior center and housing. Want to help seniors, disabled? Use some of that funding for us! No activities at senior center. Can't afford community center. People in senior housing keep to selves to avoid the BS if smart. Gossips abound. Offer tickets to music hall at discount,and the same at local restaurants so all can share in your good fortune or rather 20 million got that is ours. Try helping all and not those who don't need help. You all have jobs, good ones, are young or able bodied. Try looking at things from a different perspective. Want to help vets? Provide housing not a memorial. One have is fine, as per chat with Vietnam vet Bill Eagan who lives n Cohoes. In the mean time, despite your efforts for change, I do not see any, not for the long hall. Try being transparent. I just found your plans under Cohoes economy. In my humble opinion, I think it stinks. Why don't you welcome fresh blood to your town meetings and try listening to them instead of shutting them up? Cohoes proud huh? I'm not proud to exist and sleep here at all. Is boring and lacks any spark. Would leave if could afford to. Sadly no promise next apt., town any better as I am limited due to income. Good luck trying to get people with money in Cohoes. Most people I know who are well off, are afraid to come here. Crime down 40%? Interesting. I don't feel safe walking alone at night here. I don't know what strange brew you all are drinking at Spindles but from where I sit, things look pretty bad and not as hopeful as you paint with your rosey pen. Many of you all plop butts in cars so don't know what it's like to be a female walking down the street here. I get hit up for money for example often. Many drunk or high or mental. Crap on sidewalks from people not picking up after their dogs. Pride in where live huh? Many here take no pride in selves, let alone where live! I don't know as said what city you are talking about but it'not the one I've been living in for the past three years. For each biz that came, one went out. Keep bringing up bakery as is all that has come here with help from micro loan. Of courses she sings your praises. Most living downtown don't go there as too expensive. Be careful when your cleansing Cohoes of the riff raff and blight so you can get who want here that you don't lose some of the charm of Cohoes. It has always been full of blue collar workers struggling for a better life for themselves and their families. Bring in some business, jobs and better housing but don't send the rest of us packing in the process!

Raise Mental Health Awareness Today (May=Mental Health Month)

Raise Mental Health Awareness Today (May=Mental Health Month)
Why are there no runs for Mental Health?!


Blog Author

landscape painting

landscape painting
by Stanley Maltzman,(great art teacher. I studied with him.)

My water color painting

My water color painting
"Cows" (Click link to see more of my ART!)

Henry Hudson River

Henry Hudson River


on the couch..Yeh, who doesn't need therapy?!

Mail me FREE stuff to Review!

Mail me FREE stuff to Review!
Clue: it better be healthy! Yes I write FREE! reviews if I like the product and it's GREEn!

New Book on China

New Book on China
Buy American Please!

