spam deleted. Thanks!
'here's to your health!'
The latter terminology is more empowering as not a label.
Schumer is proposing new bill against discrimination but integration instead. Good luck. Stigma is alive and well.
bullied at school gets punished.
If different in some way, doesn't stop when an adult. I am ignored, avoided, laughed and gossiped about in a bullying fashion as is many against one. Alone they say nothing. Many bullies were bullied and have mental illnesses themselves. i love me and walk with God. All they have is the Devil. Who should I fear?
'We do not wrestle with flesh and blood but the principalities of darkness'
The Devil is operating in them. I rather be with my dog than with any of them. They stick together as don't know a better way to live and speak. That is how get attention and feel better about them selves by putting someone else down. Has been this way since came here a year and a half ago.
I write for money online, sell jewelry for private sale, am on ebay selling, am a vendor when is one even can get to and host provides me with chair and table. Also have sold gold and silver to jeweler and antique shops got from estate and yard sales. Am referred to as retarded,slow and nuts. Does that seem like the behavior of a nut?
I think the nut is someone who sits around and runs his or her mouth doing nothing with his life.
I live daily with chronic pain in back and knee and the repercussions of two car accidents where I had concussions. Now live with several symptoms daily like short attention span,anger issues,anxiety,sadness,lack of motivation,poor organizational skills,trouble focusing and completing a task. Have to push self. I can't bend repeatedly or lift or am in extreme pain.
I have no reliable home care as used agency that sent me incompetent staff. Family and old friends have deserted me. I have to let things go in my apartment and do them when able. Seldom do I go far except to doctor and therapy appointments(P/T,talk therapy,GP) I wonder how happy you'd be if this was your life?!
My new web site