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Sunday, June 29, 2008

थिंकिंग Green

The terms "Green, eco-friendly, natural,organic and healthy are all appearing now in advertising. Many companies are becoming more eco-friendly and healthy and are listening to the consumer's demand. In response they are coming out with "Green" healthier products. Even Clorox has a product called Greenworks to clean a "sick"home or work environment with with a green liquid and pine smell. Citrus scents and essential oils such as orange and lemon are used in products for awhile now and have been linked to mood in that they make one happier! Businesses are using orange in air vents and piping it into offices in hopes of increasing productivity and health to diminish insurance costs and improve the bottom line(bottom line is a business term associated with social ethics and positve investment.)

It is just good business to get on the "Green" wagon as it is defintely the wave of the future and here to stay. Our ozone layer has a hole in it cause partly by flurocarbon emissions. As a result,aerosols will become dinosaurs from the past as they are slowly being replaced by air fresheners and hair sprays in pump form..

While there are still those who think that global warming is bogus and pollute as they are too lazy to pick up their own trash, there are many quite conscious of the environment and the impact of Gore's nobel prize campaign and would like to see a planet for their children to continue their legacy on.

In this youth oriented,health and weight conscious society we live in today, thinking "Green" has become synonymous with the color of money!

post from they have a forum webmasters can chat on to discuss their businesses and sites and blogs!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Art as a form of prayer..

I attended a workshop on art as prayer Saturday at Oneness in Peace Center, in Germantown, NY and I enjoyed myself and did some art work while there. They have retreats at their house and offer meditation as a way to connect with God.

Above is one of my recent works. My take of Van Gogh's work. What you there a likeness to it? Do you like it?

Lavendar and tea tree oil are good bug repellants

they also are anti-bacterial and fungal to fight dinfectin. Besides using it on me I use it on my dog as she has had a skin condition caused by mites she iherited and also her skin is affected as I used Revolutin to kill mites and it was too strong and it dried and irritated her skin even more. I do have to watch the lavendar oil on her as it is strong also and can burn a bit. The toxins are slowly come ot of her tho. I aso have bathed her in aveeno with a colloidal otmeal base. This helps with the itch as does coconut oil. i am trying my best tho as is all I can do. I am treating my poison ivy also as I get it each year, I have a tar based soap I am using along with tcnu to get oils out of me. Drinking liquids spreads the oils in yor body. So is good to apply the tecnu to the skin first and then wash it off. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Peppermint oil Castile soap ..

Has many uses such as can be used as a shampoo,detergent for clothing,for facials as is very soft for the skin.washing dishes and also a cleanser to clean house with. It is biodegradable and is quite kind to the environment. Good to bring on a camping trip this summer for one! I think alot of people will be camping locally for a vacation,especially in upsttate NY as we have a beautiful state park and beautiful country.. with the price of gas,long air port times to wait..checking everything and not letting on board with alot of things and the economy. What about you are you going away?

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

होत होत होत! और hot

Quite hot here today so have stayed in...with my dog who is also quite susceptible to the heat. Is not that odd tho as many keep themselves and pets out of heat this time of year especially with temps hitting hight 90's as was the case yesterday.

Who links to me?

Monday, June 09, 2008

Had fresh spinach and radishes from the organic farm...

with tuna fish for a tuna salad, yesterday for dinner. I got to tell you man oh man did it taste and make me feel great!! Nothing like organic leafy tasty vegetables to boost your mood. It tasted like vegetables not like the store bought garbage one gets in the super market. I also eat t raw as you know to keep the nutrients in my food instead of cooking it.

Unfortunately I have put on some weight of late. as have had some cake, ice cream, candy cookies and such in the house. Usually I keep dark chocolate with 60% cacao in the house as it is an anti-oxidant. I also have some low fat crackers and cookies in my apartment too. I guess in a moment of weakness I bought the cake and yeah chocolate Hagen Daz ice cream. I guess if you're gonna binge you might as go all out and do it right huh?! It was good and now it's gone so..back to business. I need to watch the calories again. I was down to 153 and my target weight is 150. Now I am 169, ugh but it will come off as it is almost summer after all.

Today I will fix the flat on my use bike tire so I can take a ride later. I have been biking for years and besides giving me great legs it is great for cardio! Yeah I sang my praises about my legs but sometimes you have to toot your own horn as if you don't applaud self no one else will.

I am also gonna gt some wall treatments today for the drab brown paneling in my living room..I was thinking light green pastel for the spring. I have brown furniture and a dark gree tweed carpet in there with green throws of different shades so I think it is a good match. What do you think?1 Have you been doing anything to spice up your home of late?

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Home Spa

bought myself a blow up pillow for my bath as I like to sit in tub and bathe and then shower. (can light candles and play relaxing music too..)I sat in dead sea and epson salts. My healer who practices shamanism as she is a priestess, and also accupressure and intensive behavioral therapy, told me after sitting in bath to rinse it off and take a nap so that the toxins come to the surface and then to shower again. I am all for removing toxins from my body both internally by drinking alot of water and in this new fashion. Peppermint oil based castile soap is great as a face mask as it forms a bse to keep the moisture in as has olive doi in it as well as coconut oil, so it is very moisturizing and yes afordable! I also rubbed peppermint foot lotion into my tired feet after I buffed them with a pumice stone to remove the calluses. It is especially important to take care of your feet as you are on them so often and they have to hold all of your weight.

Yes there are many cool high fashion shoes out there but.. rule of thumb..don't walk outside in them. NOt only is it especially hard on the shoe with city or even country streets and dirt roads...but it can cause corns and bunions from the pinching involved when the shoe is on for a ong period of time and the foot naturally will swell a bit from the moisture of sweating due to activity and possibly heat. More

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Green tea oil diffuser

Went to New Paltz, a college town as they have the SUNY, state university of New York there, today selling jewelry. Walked all over but made $30 so was something atleast. I did not do as well as hoped but then I didn't have an appointment anywhere not for lack of trying though as tried to set one or two up before left but they weren't interested. I had a nice day of it though and stopped and did some shopping too. I went to two health food stores where I bought some nice smelling soap and to Peter Harris, a store that sells designer clothing for less. I used to work at one so I know what they carry and is nice. I got a couple of pretty pair of pants, a top and 2 oil diffusers. One will sell but I will keep the one that smells of green tea oil.

A couple of stores had expressed interest but said make an appointment as they were too busy now to see me. That is promising so...I will contact them and let them see my web site of jewelry and if they like anything I can ship it to them.

Monday, June 02, 2008

treat your body like a temple and...

your body will take care of you! LIke I have said, I am working hard at getting healthier after the abuses I have inflicted upon myself through the years such as bumming cigarettes at clubs and bars,so yeh occasionally smoking as thought I was cool,kept me thin and awake. Also overate junk. Took medication prescribed by doctors with no clue or care to educate others on a better way. Many meds cause side effects worse than what they are trying to treat. Exercise for cardio and some weight training and toning as well as proper diet not dieting are the way to go. One doesn't have to join a gym to be healthy and in shape.

A nice looking man gave me the eye and I got a compliment on how pretty I looked today by an also handsome man! If that isn't incentive to keep doing what I'm doing I don't know what is! So what are you doing to be well?

Small changes can produce large impact on your body,mind,emotions and life.

Did you know green tea is good for your hair besides being an antioxidant and diuretic? So is olive oil(good for hair)! I have the first in my shampoo I just bought that smells great and the latter in my conditioner. One I got from the health food store. Remember folks Paul Mitchell doesn't test on animals,REgis either. I am trying to patronize establishments that support my causes I beleive in such as no animal cruelty or testing,no artificial preservatives,no by products for my pet food for my animals,against social injustice,for social activism,against genocide like in Darfur,free Tibet,etc.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Reminds me of being Eco-friendly

Do you buy products like Second Generation to clean with and use their paper towels and such as are good for environment but cost a bit more? Do you recycle and use recycled goods? I plan to check out Petguard pet products as they are organic. I want to see if they are carried in Walmart,go figure. My dog has a skin problem and needs something better than the typical food that is out there with by product in it. By product contains junk that FDA approves as standards are not as high for animals as they are for people. Cat food contains beaks and feathers and ash instead of chicken meal for instance. This is gross but it weighs down a bag. Also the wet food is mostly water so better off with the dry and giving them tuna fish once in a while like I do. Check first three ingredients when looking at the bag of pet food as they have the highest percentage of product here. A good food has grains,vegetables and bone meal. It also is naturally preserved.

Kiss Your FAce is a product line of skin care goods that is organic and not tested on animals.

Dr. Woods has soaps that are organic like castile oil.

Pro Printers Hudson, NY ( a green company)

CSA- community supported agriculture,RT 9G Germantown,NY If you do some work for them like donate a couple of hours a month, you get fresh organic produce all season and get to participate in their dinners they hold all summer where the food is just great! You can also notice the distinct taste of the greens as that's just it, there is a taste unlike say iceberg lettuce. I recommend it as you get to see where your food comes from . Besides this they have a goat for milk,chicken for eggs and an apple grove.

Raise Mental Health Awareness Today (May=Mental Health Month)

Raise Mental Health Awareness Today (May=Mental Health Month)
Why are there no runs for Mental Health?!


Blog Author

landscape painting

landscape painting
by Stanley Maltzman,(great art teacher. I studied with him.)

My water color painting

My water color painting
"Cows" (Click link to see more of my ART!)

Henry Hudson River

Henry Hudson River


on the couch..Yeh, who doesn't need therapy?!

Mail me FREE stuff to Review!

Mail me FREE stuff to Review!
Clue: it better be healthy! Yes I write FREE! reviews if I like the product and it's GREEn!

New Book on China

New Book on China
Buy American Please!

