Beautiful Blonde Bitch
She has bipolar like me and is a cam girl like what I did for a few years. She also speaks of her days stripping. Says how she doesn't need to recover..Is contradictory as in same breath she says how bad she feels. Part of why she feels bad is taht she is in a profession taht objectifies women and opens the door to more abuse as an adult. the same door taht was opened as a child. At taht time we couldn't do much about it. Now we can. Just for I am an addict and sex is one of my problem areas..I CHOOSE not to go there,just for me. I can't speak for anyone else. She is quite creative and bright. Writes poetry,does art,writes well..I suppose like me she has a hard time connecting to others and making $ in ordinary professons due to abuse and the trauma and obsessive thoughts and behaviours brought on by it. Also includes cronic depression. I do hope in time she can get out of an industry that makes $ off people's sex addictions. Is a known fact taht those in adult industry ahve been victims of sex abuse and sex is misused so as to become an addicton. Once it becomes compulsive and one isn't controling it and it controls them it is addiction. Man takes the drink and the drink takes the man..I am trying one day at a time. I am aware,not in denial and am dealing with the urges when they come. The biz is a power trip and we get off by the attention men give us by telling us how pretty we are and such while they wank off and tell us what to do. Can even get off to being told waht to do. I have used sex like a drug. Yeh we all get horny but it goes to extreme. Why? first time was with a guy and after he acted like he didn't know me and I in response died. Yes a part of me died taht day. Just like the innocent chid in me died. All this stuff kills the spirit and we are but left with a shell. One copes wtih feelings with addictions. I am brave enough to go thru the journey of facing my demons and opening pandora's box and letting them out and slaying them one by one. How? I am not just doing it alone..but wit my 12 step group,God and a good freind. They accept me,have compasson and don't judge. It takes one to know one,it takes one to help one. Peace -Ann
Another site here,on
Here's another site for bipolar on
bipolar help Over a million people visited this site. should tell you something huh?!) Yeh there are many out there with this diagnosis. Yet many of us are treated like freaks to live on the fringes of society. I function but that is where I live. Thank God I am not homeless. I also have a voice in my writing.