I attended a workshop on art as prayer Saturday at Oneness in Peace Center, www.Onenessinpeace.org in Germantown, NY and I enjoyed myself and did some art work while there. They have retreats at their house and offer meditation as a way to connect with God.
Above is one of my recent works. My take of Van Gogh's work. What you think..is there a likeness to it? Do you like it?
You visited my site through LinkReferral and I appreciate the visit... I think though, that I have enjoyed reading through your blog, more... Having just undergone two major surgeries, and in search of how to speed things along in the recovery process, I have enjoyed reading through here, and picking up tidbits of information along the way... Thank you for sharing......
thank you for reading and getting so much out of my humble posts here. In the age of exhorbitant health care costs,many with no insurance and the economy's sad shape, affordable health tips are a good thing,as Martha would say. Being healthy is not only good for your health,feels good,looks great but..it's good for your wallet as well. Making small sensible changes and choices for the better can truly impact your life in a big way! here's to yor health!!
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