Do you buy products like Second Generation to clean with and use their paper towels and such as are good for environment but cost a bit more? Do you recycle and use recycled goods? I plan to check out Petguard pet products as they are organic. I want to see if they are carried in Walmart,go figure. My dog has a skin problem and needs something better than the typical food that is out there with by product in it. By product contains junk that FDA approves as standards are not as high for animals as they are for people. Cat food contains beaks and feathers and ash instead of chicken meal for instance. This is gross but it weighs down a bag. Also the wet food is mostly water so better off with the dry and giving them tuna fish once in a while like I do. Check first three ingredients when looking at the bag of pet food as they have the highest percentage of product here. A good food has grains,vegetables and bone meal. It also is naturally preserved.
Kiss Your FAce is a product line of skin care goods that is organic and not tested on animals.
Dr. Woods has soaps that are organic like castile oil.
Pro Printers Hudson, NY ( a green company)
CSA- community supported agriculture,RT 9G Germantown,NY If you do some work for them like donate a couple of hours a month, you get fresh organic produce all season and get to participate in their dinners they hold all summer where the food is just great! You can also notice the distinct taste of the greens as that's just it, there is a taste unlike say iceberg lettuce. I recommend it as you get to see where your food comes from . Besides this they have a goat for milk,chicken for eggs and an apple grove.
City organisation will have to drive our ecological efficiency as a species. Put simply, cities offer the best chance we have of minimising our ecological impact
Just a wonderful blog I love reading about the tea and olive oil
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