The terms "Green, eco-friendly, natural,organic and healthy are all appearing now in advertising. Many companies are becoming more eco-friendly and healthy and are listening to the consumer's demand. In response they are coming out with "Green" healthier products. Even Clorox has a product called Greenworks to clean a "sick"home or work environment with with a green liquid and pine smell. Citrus scents and essential oils such as orange and lemon are used in products for awhile now and have been linked to mood in that they make one happier! Businesses are using orange in air vents and piping it into offices in hopes of increasing productivity and health to diminish insurance costs and improve the bottom line(bottom line is a business term associated with social ethics and positve investment.)
It is just good business to get on the "Green" wagon as it is defintely the wave of the future and here to stay. Our ozone layer has a hole in it cause partly by flurocarbon emissions. As a result,aerosols will become dinosaurs from the past as they are slowly being replaced by air fresheners and hair sprays in pump form..
While there are still those who think that global warming is bogus and pollute as they are too lazy to pick up their own trash, there are many quite conscious of the environment and the impact of Gore's nobel prize campaign and would like to see a planet for their children to continue their legacy on.
In this youth oriented,health and weight conscious society we live in today, thinking "Green" has become synonymous with the color of money!
post from they have a forum webmasters can chat on to discuss their businesses and sites and blogs!
1 comment:
Green as a concept is great - there are many things that can green your life but a healthy lifestyle will bring the best of green benfits to you. An important part of your healthy life is vitamins. Real and authentic vitamins can be found
at my site where I have compiled a list of internet providers. There are a wide variety of real vitamins and nutrition aids with discounted delivery available.
There is even a link to healthy nutritious tea - if thats not a green idea then I dont know what is.
Stay Green!
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