your body will take care of you! LIke I have said, I am working hard at getting healthier after the abuses I have inflicted upon myself through the years such as bumming cigarettes at clubs and bars,so yeh occasionally smoking as thought I was cool,kept me thin and awake. Also overate junk. Took medication prescribed by doctors with no clue or care to educate others on a better way. Many meds cause side effects worse than what they are trying to treat. Exercise for cardio and some weight training and toning as well as proper diet not dieting are the way to go. One doesn't have to join a gym to be healthy and in shape.
A nice looking man gave me the eye and I got a compliment on how pretty I looked today by an also handsome man! If that isn't incentive to keep doing what I'm doing I don't know what is! So what are you doing to be well?
Small changes can produce large impact on your body,mind,emotions and life.
Did you know green tea is good for your hair besides being an antioxidant and diuretic? So is olive oil(good for hair)! I have the first in my shampoo I just bought that smells great and the latter in my conditioner. One I got from the health food store. Remember folks Paul Mitchell doesn't test on animals,REgis either. I am trying to patronize establishments that support my causes I beleive in such as no animal cruelty or testing,no artificial preservatives,no by products for my pet food for my animals,against social injustice,for social activism,against genocide like in Darfur,free Tibet,etc.