I just spent $ 85. to have my computer repaired after fit caught a virus from a site I had dropped on. Yes I evenhad virus protection but..I got a popup saying I had a virus and my virus protection deleted it and then it came up agian and said did you want to delete it. I did but this time I did using the virus software by mistake unknowingly and it erased my virus protection! NUTS..Not sure why people do this. Guess they have nothing better to do' I can tell you that what with living on a disability check (not what I make being with Entrecard for sure..) or even from my business selling jewelry as is slow too..I'm not sure what blog had the malware on it butf''be careful is all i have to say.
I am disenchanted with Entrecard anyway now especially with the latest action by them of not crediting us for drops from visitors. I think this blows as people can only drop if you take the time to advertise which I do. Mind you I don't pay money for it but i do in time. From now on I willl be rarely visiting Entrecard as quite frankly, I can't afford it!