you played with my heart..should be the theme song (you go Britney!), of this doomed company, me thinks and so do many if you read some posts about Entrecard, on the net. Ziprunner, like Graham langdon, sure knows how to piss people off! Maybe that is their strategy to create buzz?! dunno,don't care!
The latest screwy thing this company has done is to drop credits to blog owners when people drop on them so they get no credit to supposedly save Entrecard some money. How bogus! Why bother? What's in it for blog owners who are loyal to the company is the question..? Why don't they sell ad space to make money for their company like others have done? Supposedly they banned paid ads and paid credits and now I see them again. They say one thing and do another.
I stay and drop some,not alot as I have a life and i think the mad droppers are credited and their content sucks. Why not just write something worth while and share it on mutual blogs? Oh and have a real job that pays or make your money in the real world by designing something or being an artist or something.For many (Man this company blows.) Entrecard is becoming quickly a bitter pill that they don't really need to swallow at all!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
thanks for commenting on my blog. I get annoyed by the fact that i have remained loyal even with the paid ads controversy and even participated in the 'marketplace' to my loss as i added art work there which sold for peanuts as 1000 ecs is but a buck ,not the $10. i thought! ugh. It seems is what graham does as an entrepreneur. Start companies and sell em when they are worth something.. This new company is an invester,kind of like a venture capitalist. I like the ads with the ecs if nothing else as not like i make any money from it as people stay but 10 secs. for the most part despite the last contest of sorts i did which was to credit frequent visitors and droppers by running ads on their sites along wiht the usual free link they get thru 'top droppers'. I really want buyers and loyal readers but loyalty is rare both in life and on the net,sadly, so money still eludes me although i have managed to do some reviewing for free product in exchange like'Ecocanteen' and their stainless steel eco-friendly bottles. This is a win, WIN strategy both for advertiser and blogger, I think. thanks again and good day! -ANN
my response to Entrecard's latest comment about waht is going on on this social network:
What?!!? Is this math class NOW?! omg! It is so confusing what is going on here to the laymen like me here who are not up on all this tech jargon but are simply looking to spread the word about their sites,business,blogs,products and services. i think Entrecard should expand on the concept of a 'FREE' network similar to 'Ubuntu' soffware which i have on my lap top as opposed to Windows which costs money to load along with 'Webroot' for spyware which costs as opposed to FREE adware out there. I think most people here are artists,moms and entrepreneurs who don't have deep pockets but possess the spirit and survival skills necessary in these troubled,unstable times. One no longer has job security and can not count on a pension or a gold watch when they reach retirement age. Instead, many who have given their lives to their companies, to have a home and a better life, are losing their jobs,being handed a pink slip,being replaced by younger,inexperienced, but ed ucated workers and are being kicked out of their homes! This is our reality today. Why i became an entrepreneur and i think is why many of YOU did too! Make Entrecard a different better social network symbolic of that 'spirit' of CHANGE facing Americs NOW! Read more here
I think Entrecard better get it's act together pronto or they will find that they have no members to drop on anyone or advertise these Paid ads. Just my two cents but then..who listens to a peon like me huh?! Also, I think we all should be able to benefit from running the ads. lord knows i have taken a hit to the cost of advertising on my blogs as I hardly ever get any regular ads anymore! How about you? Seems like i get these paid ads that are not relevant to my page at all! I agree that people who support this network and all it's crazy changes due to 'growing pains', deserve a 'break today!'. One doesn't have to find it just at McDonald's. Perhaps our cards could be worth more. I think we should support each other here by 'Bartering' like if you make ART and jewelry or photography like me then maybe trade with someone who wants this for some Web site help like in my case, I need keywords added to my blog template and also a nice 3 column template to fit all I write! This is something we could do NOW. We don't need 'Entrecard' to do this! We are all already here so let's mix it up and spread the wealth of knowledge and talent here NOW. If not now when? If not today, why wait til tomorow?!