'Harley' from 'Daisy,the Curly Cat',blog..Maybe he should be the new face of the GOP!
Well..I am glad Rush Limbaugh is feeling better after recovering from his personal problems and addiction but..we do not need anyone at this critical time..in our country's history, spreading negative ideas like wishing ill on Obama's policies. He is such a polarizing figure. His shock jock mentality makes for great radio banter but not for running a party. I think the Republicans are happy to shift the focus for a while now that Jindal made a fool of himself, sounding like an infomercial, after Obama's address. We need to join together now,despite our political affiliation and stop our partisanship ways if not for ourselves,our country! Many are really hurting,partly because they never saved for a rainy day, but then again, how many of us are guilty of the same thing? Many of us are living pay check to pay check. I know I am even if it is just a social security disability one.
Pay cuts and salary hike freeze in Congress? Is what I heard..Is it true?!
Nash cartoon.
Wonder how Dems ended up with an Ass and the GOP, a pacaderm?!
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