'don't tire from doing good for you will reap" is from the Bible and man I think it's a dynamite way to live and work! If you have a business and can impact those around you,preferably in your community..I think it's a "good thing", as Martha would say! In fact Martha Stewart started out giving helpful tips to house wives on how they too could have beautiful homes,gardens,save money,etc. !! I think having a business that gives back to the public or in other words is a "good company", is a great way to go and is SMART!! It makes you not only look like a great person but.. you get business out of it too! I think it's just plain genious to give back to the areas in which you occupy and serve and service! What about you? In what way do you impact the community in which you serve?! Are you a "good company"?! I for one, support the ethical humane treatment of animals,not PETA, and feed,water,rescue abandoned pets. I have rescues at home, a pit bull and 3 cats! I don't know who was helped more by my actions,them or me! I definitely think they prolong one's life an add to it but.. they also make you healthier! I was depressed before I got on the green wave(eco-friedly too)! Or rather healthier. I lost about 100 lbs. this past year and have kept it off without diet or exerciwse or joining a crazy program or gym. I adopted a dog who needed a home as it's owner was moving to a place that didn't allow pets. I also took in an abandoned kitten!! They are incredible and truly a gift! I have taken my attention off my selfish self, and I take care of them! In response they give me love unconditionally! I think animals are a wonderful example of what we could and should be if we just give love a chance and peace! Today I take but one anti-depressant as compared to the other crap I was on, and I embrace a healthier life style and give to my animal causes! ONe can't be self destructive, when one has a pet or a child or an elder parent to take care of! Man that is a good thing! Peace and love, Ann.'
from my post on Linkreferral forum. today.