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Monday, October 20, 2008

Is Obama promoting Socialism?!

Well according to McCain he is. I personally don't thinks so.more on leveling the playing field or as Obama says redistributing the wealth, can be read here.


Jane Doe said...

I am so tired of the Republicans crying 'Socialist!' We have to find a way to distribute wealth more evenly, and ensure that everyone has access to things like health care. The sheer number of people in this country that have no health care is shameful! Just because someone has a sense of social responsibility doesn't make them a Socialist.

You have a wonderful blog! I will be back for more!

Testuser said...

Mr. Obama certainly does seem to be promoting socialism. He wants to tax the wealthy and give to the poor. It goes beyond universal health care and unemployment programs and drills down to welfare. America is not set up to operate this way and even if he does get elected to office, if he pushes these ideas too far and too hard, he will be voted out very quickly.

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