Isn't freedom of speech allowed? We tolerated Howard Stern and even found him amusing as we listened to him on he radio and watch his tv show where he had porn stars and other scantily dressed women parading around each week. We listen to rappers on the radio talking all kinds of s#it. As for Sharpton he is noone to tak after his Twana Brawley episode. His big mouth exploding with out evidence caused riots in a country already deeply divided by race. Reminiscent of the OJ trial.
Now is said Hillary Clinton got some $ for her campaign from a rapper who talks trash about women and whites. Women he refers to as hoes.
I find this degradation goin on every day in our society when women pose a threat to their male counter part in some way whether in business,relationships,neighborhoods,government. They have been attacking Hillary Clinton for years because she is smart,assertive,professional as opposed to warm. she is still a wife, a other,went to an ivy league school,has been around WAshington D.C. crowd and it's powerful all boy's club,traveled the world with her husband and has survived. I believe outside of Oprah she is the most powerful woman in the U.S. now short of what's her name, Pelusi?, the new speaker of the house who I saw on Jay Leno the other night. The difference in their styles is waht distinguishes them in taht they try to projec5t nice as women have been conditioned to do and be regardless of whatever is going on around them and being done to them. Men can be wahtever and whoever they want to be.
For myself I struggled with this for many years. Now if yo aren't nice to me don't expect me to be with you. Pelusi is very tactful tho and doesn't come off like a pitbull like Hillary does.
In the end I think everyone has a right to express their opinion,we just don't have to listen.
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