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Showing posts with label animal shelters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal shelters. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
I need your help to...
spam deleted. Thanks! 'here's to your health!' ***Yes they kill many huskies too ..
Pits,huskies, shepherds, Chihuahuas ...Most killed dogs!! FACT. Needs to change.
Why? Pits obvious. Many idiots own them and can't control them. Need training as
do the rest. High activity level and owners too lazy. They get as are pretty
etc. But soon learn are over their heads! Not willing to put in the time so
instead of rehomed and given a new life are dumped in the worst place could be!
A kill pound. 1/10 pits make it out alive! FACT. Sheps and Huskies very active
and need room to run or are destructive and bite. Chihuahuas over bred after
Taco Bell commercials. Many wanted one. Rumor is at one point Taco Bell had
horse meat in food. FACT! Did you know!!??? Pounds make money off dead dogs? Yes
they do! Their bodies are sold to vet schools to be used. The others are sold to
meat traders who render them into many things use daily as tallow. In your make
up wearing!! Of course say don't to ease the minds of the disillusioned public.
Most don't care about these dogs in life let alone death but I strangely do! I
am their voice and I will no be silenced! They shoot horses don't they!!? Was a
great film with Marilyn Monroe. She was great in it! She fought for the wild
horses being rounded up in aerial copters as do today. Only here used to kill as
used for dog food blatantly. Have you ever seen a wild stallion in the range in
person? Not on tv. If you have enjoy it while you can as they are being
shot...Maybe not by deny that they kill them in round uos but get off
public land. They claim they control population with birth control. The horses
need to be monitored with drones just as they do with dog fighting rings,back
yard breeders. We have satellites. Can be used to detect crime and act
accordingly. Forest service,game wardens can't be there 24/7 but they can! We
have the technology together we can....(rebuild him..6 million dollar man..ha
ha...) but I think you get my drift here...No bad dogs just untrained...and dumb
people. Who runs things!? People do. Duh. Ranchers,farmers don't like wild
horses,burrows as are a nuisance they feel. Get on their land and are
destructive. They don't like eagles, our national mascot! Wolves,
coyotes,mountain lion,grizzlies,black bear,foxes,etc. are predators to their
live stock and livelihoods. TX has a din view of animals. Ever watch a rodeo?!?
Pretty brutal stuff for entertainment. A meeting if the minds is needed then
now! Animals used like gladiators in the arena to be gawked at by stupid people!
And man people are stupid! Hunt foxes on fenced in land in horses for kicks with
hunting dogs. They know the poor things are on the property. They gather at set
time and they are off galloping forth to find the poor fox who is outnumbered so
can shoot it. Often before can get to shoot it the hounds have circled it and
are yapping at it with bloody teeth! Oh what fun...I think not. I hate
evil,cruelty,bullying like this as is done by weak scared people who fight
dirty. Not one in one which is a fair fight but one against 5 who dislike the
person and then another 10 or more who do nothing! Know about it and do
nothing!! Have you ever been bullied!!? I have. It don't feel good. In my
personal life I am up against it once again. Injustice with my housing. With
God, higher power, force for good I will go forth. Just as I do here! I am
blocked by many but I am shared by some. I think I have something to say!
'ENOUGH!'. If you agree, share my post. I am not speaking for the one dog in the
pound here at Harris Cty pets that is of course just 2 and is healthy full of
life loving and beautiful! Can you see him or her!? But...I am fighting for
every dog,cat here,especially in high kill states' pounds like TX,CA...the
highest killers...shame in you!! Such wealth you have. Lots of land but you
don't care about your animals!! 10 a day MURDERED not euthanized as not beyond
hope and I'll buy simply alone and next in line for SLAUGHTER!! If you have been
bullied, you know what that feels like to be alone in a crowded room with no
oasis of protection. Noone is coming to save you! Yes GOD is there for each of
his flock when his or her time comes! You and me and them. Even the pig and the
lamb at the slaughter house so you can eat! But tell me this...Must they suffer
so you can!!??? I don't know how you sleep at night but I can't! Their cries
haunt me...They should be stunned before their stuck in the chest but often
workers do t do properly and they feel it! Chickens are culled and gassed,etc.
What an saying we need to do this with some decency. Cams should be over alk
areas at these places as well as pounds so we can see 24/7 so we can call to
stop the injustices as are occurring! We do have the technology! We don't want
to be Big Brother. We fought hard for our freedoms and still do. Not you or I
surely but our service men and women on the line.Our police men and doctors
nurses who saw us through COVID risking their lives! It wasn't long ago. Have
you already forgotten!!?? 9/11 6 were going in to save people after the planes
hit as the towers were falling! Have you already forgotten!?? The only
requirement for Evil to prevail is for good menand women to do nothing! Most
don't. Burry heads in the sand and are busy living their boring lives,self
important in their own minds but ..often feeling sad and empty like something is
missing. A life without service is a meaningless one! Have you helped any one
today!!? Did you go out of your way to help someone who needed it or something.
.without an audience to applaud you!!?...because it was the right thing to do.
That is the hand of the divine..speaking to you and me if we listen to HIM in
the quiet. When we tap into that we can be more than and do more than is humanly
possible. That is what is required here. It takes a village. Not a bunch of
people rogue. I see so many people in here sharing dogs. It is great and I
applaud you but it is not working!! I have been here 7 months. I had a hand in
saving 2 shepherds from kill pound,2 other dogs from the street. All in TX from
NY home in NY!! They are all off the streets. I got a woman in Belgian Malinois
Networking Group - Houston Area - Foster, Adopt Houston Area - Foster, Adopt to
pay $1000 to get the pair out if Nueces pound or were going to be killed
shortly! I did that!! That's who I am. The next time want to SPIT and block my
posts because don't like what an saying. I am speaking the truth. There are
enough of us here to really make a difference the right way!!! NOW!! I am going
Jerry Maguire in you right now...and I am asking you to write your governor and
mayor and say I want NY state to be NO KILL! They did it in VT,NH,MD. How come
they did it!!? But CA,so liberal,health conscious..full of beautiful
people...such wealth too.. can't!!?? Did you know you are the biggest killer of
pit bulls especially but dogs in pounds in this country!???? You won the prize.
Woo hoo! Di t you feel proud! You as a state have turned your backs in these
most tortured, defiled dogs. The things done to them are unimaginable. I know. I
have seen it. Tongues cut out in drug dens so cops when come in can't hear
them...No you like in A Few Good Men can't handle the truth. But this is like a
car wreck you can't take your eyes off can you!!! You are riveted. TX, you are
the second highest killer. Systemically wiping out this breed of dog including
Mama's and puppies and killing when pregnant so no more! Pups sometimes spared I
my to be killed if sadly still there at 3 months!! I have seen it here and it
makes me ill. How about you!?? Is this TMI? Someone smugly write me that as
doesn't get what I am attempting to do here!! I can't do it alone! I need you! I
wrote a petition to stop the killing. I have signed petitions. When serial cat
killer is cooking cats in microwaves, he is finally arrested after..and can't do
again but I say how did he get to that point and how did he kill one let alone
many?!? He did because no one was paying attention. We really need to stand up
and be present for one another daily. Good Samaritan should mean something. Like
the 13 year old child;recently in PA..,(in other countries not...may have a
family)..she screamed for help and help came! She is after all someone's child.
In the mall in PA that was saved because people stepped up...when two men tried
to grab her. If hadn't maybe she would be right now in the sex trade...human
trafficked. Is happening right under your noses! I understand to function you
can't care about everything and everyone 24/7!; But must you be so desensitized
and numb to function with booze and drugs and distracted by tv,radio,cell phones
and other media constantly so you can't feel anything???? Most days I just share
these dogs and write these posts and share them and many say liked them. Thrown
a bone. Good dog,girl..lady. But I don't do this for me. I did at first as my
best friend died and I needed to get into something to cope with the pain I was
left with. He died last September. I didn't want to be here after but I have 3
cats depending on me. Many have children after a tragedy so have to go on. After
a couple of weeks people can be cruel as say get in with it. There is no right
way to grieve but after 3 months of counseling and groups I started sharing
here. Trolls are rampant in social media. Any one can hide behind their cell
phones and PC's and spew awful filth out of their holes they call mouths and do.
I have been subjected to it and I believe I am doing God's work here!! Many are
called and few are chosen. Two paths can choose and still time to change the
path on...This road if choose it is narrow. It is the one if truth. It is not
for the weak but for those who have had Enough! I am those here who know what I help me help these least of these as is when di you have helped
Jesus,God. I fervently believe we are being called to help them. The corruption
and filth and evil coming from these kill pounds is overwhelming!! Do you feel
it?!? Do you see it. I have been in them and it makes me ill. I applaud those
who are there and fight for these dogs. The cats I think need to get out of all
of them,! The feral, the strays that are not pets...need to go back to colonies
were in and monitored by drones for protection and fed watered sheltered by
Alley Cat Project nationally!! The country needs to fund this to get this mass
feral population see across this country because people have dumped their pets
in the streets rather than take to a pound because they know may be killed! Is
this more merciful? To be hit by cars,have rocks thrown at,be set a fire by sick
kids,etc.,poisoned like in Australia currently,their solution to obliterate and
deal with the problem so don't kill birds and other species as are doing...It
has gotten so bad because so many of you have looked the other way as you step
over the bodies of the homeless as you run off to work to face the American
dream! Does it even exist anymore?!? So many of us are killing ourselves to be a
success. Whatever that looks thin so starving I
reworking selves, sacrificing our loved ones along the way. We say it is for the
money and security and family we do it for but when was the last time you spent
quality time with your family!?? So please before us too late and they are fine!
People,animals,land,trees,whales(killing pilot whales in drives in Fallution
isles) things matter more!! Than greed...the man .the jog..the career!
May you find that out before you get divorced and lose them.
Workaholism,alcoholism,drug addiction even in our doctors and nurses who operate
on us rampant...We are only as sick as our secrets. In the light if
day when we speak on it it loses its power and grip on us. Addiction is bred in
isolation and it is this isolation that is killing us! I do this to have some
meaning to my life. I often feel I matter to noone but my cats and my God. Like
a flock of geese..They get further in the updraft of each other's wings than
they ever did alone! We too need each other even if we don't always like each
other because we are all we got! Be conscious of those around you as walk
through your days and don't be too afraid to feel and risk being hurt to do the
next right sober thing! Dont always be about you and self absorbed and your
crisis but be a friend and once in awhile listen and help them so not one sided.
So many just take. I have this in own life so why am a loner as protect myself.
I give people a chance and they take and take and then I back off. Is fine. Can
entertain self. Learned at a young age. Rejected. But is my protection as I am
not meant to run in the main daily as writers need alot of time alone. I
observe. Try not to judge. Hard not to. But is it making me feel superior!?? I
don't know you. Any of you really..what makes you tick. I do know that you are
here and if you are it is be aide you care about these animals. If I am right. I
am imploring you to WRITE to your local mayor governor senator and speak for
those that can only bark or meow and are 7th in our society...animals! I do
believe they have rights. We are violating them. Before we wipe out the pit about we save him?!? The right way. A good dog is a trained dog!
Otherwise is a ride unmanageable pain in the A*s! Your choice. Training can be
pricey so why so few do it. 75% of us have pets. They matter to us. Are family.
We drop alot of coin in them because we value them! Yet .they are just 6th class
citizens,chattle like women used to be before got the vote that now so few
exercise as don't like any of the candidates do you !? I personally pick the
best of the worst. Have you am ever met a politician that wasnt full of crap?
Pick a platform or too and run with it. Try to please elderly,veterans,etc. You
get the picture. Not helping me surely as I often feel abandoned and alone. Why
I relate to the pit because so is he or she and gravely misunderstood. If
handled properly,the are bright, loving, loyal. I have a healthy respect for
them as mismanaged they are deadly. Did you know that more rottweilers not pits
kill people? People need to muzzle them when out on 2 leads to harness,collar
until you have under control or you own a deadly weapon! FACT! I have another
post Save them! On my blog has many
more points about shelter reform and animal welfare. Check it out! **** 2 years
old! Can see in a minute is a nice healthy beautiful dog too!! I had my pit,am
staff until she was almost 16! Lucked out with me huh?!???? Many good years
before she declined and then it was about salvaging what have quality
of life. This poor dog never got a chance!! Is sickening. Caught up in the sick
meat farm trade here in the U.S.! Oh yes we are horrified by the Chinese in
China and Yulan fest. There it is done right in your face!! Too much for our
palette and sensitive sensibilities so we condemn them when right under our
noses this barbaric insanity is happening in 48/50 states! We all Know that
these shelters or rather death camps are not overcrowded to the point can't do
anything but kill them when time up for next victim who stays 3 days,gets
adopted,fostered or killed too,pup,kitties included as merciless, jaded who do
the killing. I can speak out against China and do and things are slowly changing
for the better there because do in numbers.but.. Many died last month and were
tortured to death for 10 days of blood letting. Fact!! Shouldn't have ..but not
enough to stop the trucks full of caged dogs in top of one another in agony. How
long do you think you could stand watching that!?? It is a numbers game here and
we try to do the most good can. In some you see pups and kitties. Of course if
well we try to save them. Pregnant dogs cats are killed to prevent more unwanted
dogs cats as the babies grow quickly and in 3 months are not saved this time if
on chipping block again. Fact! You at home get to pick and choose and moan over
this and that and then get up and watch tv. Can feel good you tried and did
anything at all when so many do nothing. Busy living their lives,work,go home,
cook,clean,food shop,do wash,care for family,see friends occasionally and do it
again...May throw a bit to charity to feel good. Is it enough to make a damn bit
of difference here really!!??!? No I don't think so. The reality is ..these
animals need to be moved to new places. If have 20o dogs and can only house 100
then build a new place! You have the $. BS if say don't. Doesn't have to be
state of the art just as long are structures. TX has plenty of land,cheap land
can use. Bureaucracy is stopping the derailed train. The powers that be are
blocking this simple idea that is so obvious. Could make TX and CA, that are the
biggest killers of pit bulls in the US, no kill right now!!! Can you see it!??
They need to do this they need to do that...Who is they!!? They is you and me!
Don't like it!!?? Change it. What I am trying to do. Wake and shake you up out
of your slumber. Trust me I know what is going on in the pounds and how much
these cats suffer.. who shouldn't be there, TNR them ...return to where got from
cat colonies and feed water shelter monitor with drones for safety and done!
They are killing 70% of the cats get daily!! 55 % of the dogs!! FACT. Do you
think that is a good rate!??? No I don't think so. How about save 90% Save?!!???
Build no kill dog refuges. Network and join forces with the other throw aways of
society,your prisoners...being done daily in some prisons..Solving the problem
cost effectively. Train free and give to disabled and police depts. !! Needs to
happen across the board. In NC prisoners clean the cages. Frees up cleaning crew
so can help walk dogs. Friendlies can be out loose in day in corrals as can
friendly cats. Abused can get one in one socialization so adopted. As is time ..shelters are crazy busy over crowded places. Could do so much
more good than is done because is hard to effect change within the system. Why I
stay on the outskirts. Sharing these dogs and cats saves lives! Regardless of
what anyone says...things are better. We used to kill many more animals before
social media. Many more now have a chance. Is 50/50. Dont know who will see them
here. Even when the shelters are closed eyes are on them 24)7. Is miraculous the
power here!! Can you feel it!? When people get sick and tired of being sick and
tired they do something! I am sick of this killing. Are you!??? If so,join me
and share this post with the world here! You be the voice they need. Help me get
land,can build structures cheaply,even with used pallets,vacant farms,in
foreclosure use..I,me want to open a dog rescue. I know a woman in Costa Rica
saved 2,000 dogs on site now! That needs to be temp. Can take them in temp but
they need to be going out too so more can come in and be saved. Is not a
permanent residence. Ex. The Asher House in Oregon. He lives there with them.
Picks who will save at shelters. They stay there and he networks with rescues to
get them adopted. What he provides is TIME. He is a dog broker. A very vital
part of the machine. Two guys in SC doing the same thing! They have saved 13,000
dogs so far!! Incredible. Do you see how it works!?? We need more Sanctuaries
not kill pounds!! RI has hotel for dogs. Best Friends in UT has sanctuary. Big
Dog Ranch and Rescue in AL and FL getting alot of border dogs from TX dumped. N.
Shore Animal League,NY another. Yukon sanctuary in RGV ..WA husky ranch.
TX:Jenni's Ranch,Bushnell farm,sanctuary, Villa Lobos of Pit bulls and Parolees MS too. AL,open field dog training... Hello! Is anyone home!??? Can you
see what WE as a community need to be doing!?? We need to be building places for
these dogs NOW! We need to be getting them out!!! NOW!!! Do you, you hear
me!!??!!!?? If we don't do it now,these dogs killed today will just keep on
being dog food for your pets tomorrow!! How many more Spots and Sally's must die
before it is enough!!?? The ones running these places dont care. They are
getting paid either way. Do you? Do you care!!? Have you had enough!??! If you
do,share the sh*t out of this post!!! Obnoxious,maybe. Effective. You tell me!
Are you comfortable!? Do I make you uncomfortable!! If I do then I did my job!
My job is to save the poor suffering dog,cat in the cage;!!! I am not here to
make you feel ok about this. Just to be clear. Crystal.
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